Abandonment at Birth: How it Affects our Future Behavior

Inadequate care during childhood affects our future behavior. Photo Credit: Bing

Abandonment at birth is a traumatic experience that can have long-lasting effects on an individual’s behavior and psychology. It is a type of childhood trauma that can result in issues with trust, attachment, and emotional regulation. In this article, we will explore why abandonment at birth affects our future behavior and how it can manifest in different ways.

Attachment Issues

Attachment is a critical aspect of human development, and the bond between a child and their primary caregiver is essential for healthy attachment. When a child is abandoned at birth, they are deprived of this fundamental bond, which can lead to attachment issues later in life. Such individuals may struggle with forming and maintaining close relationships, feeling disconnected and isolated, and having difficulties trusting others.

Emotional Regulation Issues

Abandonment at birth can also affect an individual’s emotional regulation. Such individuals may experience intense emotional responses, such as fear, anxiety, anger, or sadness, triggered by situations that remind them of their abandonment. They may also have difficulties controlling their emotions and behavior, leading to impulsive or self-destructive actions.

Sense of Self-Worth

Abandonment at birth can have a significant impact on an individual’s sense of self-worth. They may feel unwanted, unloved, and rejected, leading to low self-esteem and self-confidence. Such individuals may seek validation and approval from others and struggle with asserting themselves, setting boundaries, or pursuing their goals and aspirations.

Behavioral Issues

Abandonment at birth can also manifest in different behavioral issues, such as substance abuse, self-harm, or criminal activity. Such behaviors may be a coping mechanism for the emotional pain and trauma caused by the abandonment. Individuals may also struggle with self-care, neglecting their physical and mental health, and engaging in risky behaviors.


Abandonment at birth is a traumatic experience that can affect an individual’s behavior and psychology in different ways. Attachment issues, emotional regulation issues, sense of self-worth, and behavioral issues are some of the ways abandonment can manifest. Understanding these effects and seeking appropriate support and treatment can help individuals heal from the trauma and lead a fulfilling life.

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